Tag: Ecuador

Close encounter of the first kind – illegal loggers

Illegally cut tree trunk with logging trail in background.
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Each day as we moved further from the core of the Jama-Coaque Reserve, installing our canopy acoustic and imaging stations to monitor wildlife use and movement along a conservation corridor, the sounds of chainsaws became more frequent and closer to our ears. As the days wore on the toll of transporting 150 pounds of equipment for up to 13 hours a day while bushwhacking our way along steep ridge tops at the equator and climbing trees up to 38 meters (124 feet) to install our equipment was drowning out our ability to notice much of anything. On this day we had reached the outer boundary of the Reserve and were getting close to our next randomly generated point on the map to find a tree and install our canopy monitoring station. About 30-40 meters away from a continuous buzzing chainsaw I called for a pack’s off break to have some water and another peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Strangely, I didn’t much contemplate the impending encounter even though I had never faced illegal loggers in the forest. I knew we could go around them, but I wasn’t really worried about surprising them with our presence. Maybe I should have been, but I was tired of hearing chainsaws and, well, just tired. We listened to the crack of another tree trunk as the chainsaw idled down, but it didn’t hit the ground. Like a wounded soldier being carried by his brave brothers it was being held up by the surrounding canopy trees and lianas, the chainsaw redirected its aim at them.

I pressed the start video recording button on my cell phone and hung it from my backpack’s chest strap. I was determined to get evidence to do something about their activities without them being clued into my intentions. Machete in hand, I moved towards the chainsaw yelling “hola, buenas tardes” between rev’s of the chainsaw. It shut down immediately and I walked into the clearing right next to the suspend cut tree trunk at head level. I suddenly realized I was not in the safest position and quickly moved past it towards the older man who had passed the chainsaw off to who I believe was his son. Both were clearly shocked to see gringos in the middle of nowhere. The son stood frozen for a few seconds before he took off with the chainsaw – going to hide the murder weapon. I approached and greeted the older man with a handshake. I wanted to make sure I got good video footage. I had decided to play the role of the dumb gringo who had lost his way along the virtually non-existent trail following the undulating ridge line. The man told me we were on his finca (farm) and the trail was further up the ridge line. I knew we weren’t on his property; I had looked at the property boundary maps downloaded to my GPS app before the decided encounter. We were near the boundary of the last Reserve properties owned by the Third Millennium Alliance conservation organization or a conservation easement they had with a local landowner. Regardless, this location was within the private Jama-Coaque Reserve and this man and his son were committing a crime. As the man walked away, I turned and told my companions to make their way quickly past the dangling tree. I made sure I had decent video of the tree stump and cutting area, and we all headed up to the trail. I said thank you and goodbye to the man, then our team headed down the trail a short way before stopping to discuss where we should venture off-trail to locate our next trail. The man and his son showed up immediately, no chainsaw in sight, and made their way past us after a cordial “hasta luego” and a penetrating glare from both in my direction. In a way it was all a bit anticlimactic. I certainly felt a small sense of success having surprised them and obtaining evidence of their crime, but it would be short lived that day.

After the intensity of locating and installing another of our canopy monitoring stations, we realized we would once again be hiking back to the station in the dark. There were still several sections of the “trail” that we continued to get lost on, especially at night. We also wanted to find a shorter way back to the main trail from the tree we had selected for today’s work. With the sun setting quickly I began the daunting task to machete towards the main trail in a straight line. It wasn’t long and we popped out onto a freshly cleared and very wide trail. We soon began to see why as we came upon tree stumps, piles of trimmed branches and bamboo harvested and being processed. Even large trees where the surrounding dense bamboo stands that had protected them had been cleared away for their eventual fall to the ground. It was a devastating sight, but we still had a 3+ hour hike back to the station.

I wanted to share this story because this is what the front lines of conservation looks like in western Ecuador and so many other areas of the planet. I remember telling my team that day after the encounter that this is why we are doing the work we do. Our research will directly inform applied conservation initiatives as part of a greater community conservation project being led by Third Millennium Alliance. Our goal is to educate and incorporate people like these illegal loggers in our forest friendly cacao program. A program that provides a sustainable alternative to deforestation and works to reforest already degraded habitat in and adjacent to the Three Forests Conservation Corridor and the Jama-Coaque Reserve. This incident and the other illegal logging activities are occurring on the outer fringes of the now 1600 acres of reserve that are infrequently patrolled because of their long distance away from the core of the reserve and our limited personnel. Funding to purchase land for conservation and even research projects seems to be much easier to obtain than money to actually pay people to do on the ground conservation work. I’m still baffled by this reality, especially since it only cost about $7000 a year for one full-time employee in Ecuador to work as a reserve ranger and parabiologist. If we could employ one or two rangers from the local or nearby communities, this would ensure the end of illegal activities on the growing outer borders of the reserve. All it takes is a physical human presence in these areas and outsiders will stay away, especially if it is someone they know or recognizes them.

Hopefully, I’ve stimulated your conservation conscience a bit. Working at the front lines of conservation in a remote area of a developing country is nothing like conservation in the US; I’ve been doing both for a while now but nothing this intense. If you or anyone you know can help us hire 1-2 reserve rangers we need that help now. Think about it – if we could get just 70 people a year to donate $100 we could hire a full-time ranger (do the math and that’s 0.27 cents a day), double that and we can hire two! Please, if you or anyone you know want to donate please visit http://tmalliance.org/donate/ and donate today. I sincerely thank you.

Deforestation ramping up in Yasuni as Ecuador sets to open up national park to drilling

This story was originally published at www.mongabay.com by Shaira Panela on July 29, 2014.

Original story link: Deforestation ramping up in Yasuni as Ecuador sets to open up national park to drilling.

Satellite data shows recent increase in forest loss alerts in areas near oil development

Yasuni National park has been in the conservation spotlight in recent years, with oil drilling threatening the forests and wildlife of this biodiversity hotspot. Recently, disturbance in the park may have ramped up, with satellite data showing a significant increase in deforestation alerts within Yasuni National Park since 2011.

The increase in forest damage in the region coincides with a series of oil drilling activities near the blocks where deforestation alerts are clustered.

Yasuni National Park, established in 1979, covers approximately 982,000 hectares. The park is at the center of a small zone where amphibian, bird, mammal, and vascular plant diversity are all at the highest levels in the Western Hemisphere. Because of this, it is among the most biodiverse places in the world, with a large number of endemic and threatened species. For instance, the park is home to a species of bat (Lophostoma yasuni) found nowhere else in the world.

Map of oil blocks within Yasuní National Park.

Map of oil blocks within Yasuni National Park. Image courtesy of Finer, Pappalardo, Ferrarese, De Marchi (2014). 

However, Yasuni National Park is also home to an estimated 846 million barrels of oil. 

Despite its status as a protected area, energy companies have been drilling in Yasuni National Park has been the site of oil extraction since the 1970s. However, its most remote portions have been left untouched. Surveys indicate Yasuni’s oil field contains about 20 percent of Ecuador’s fossil fuel reserves, particularly in a portion of the park referred to as the ITT (Ishpingo-Tambococha-Tiputini) blocks. A protection proposal called the Yasuni-ITT Initiative was launched by president Rafael Correa at the U.N. General Assembly in 2007. The Initiative would have kept these blocks untouched if international donors paid half the expected revenue of oil extraction—$3.6 billion—into a trust fund set up by the United Nations Development Program. The international community pledged around $330 million, although only deposited $13 million, before Correa formally ended the initiative in 2013. 

Data from Global Forest Watch shows increasing disturbance in the park, with 1,416 FORMA Alerts from 2011 to June 2014. Most of the alerts are located near oil wells in the northern and central region – or parts of oil blocks 14 and 16. Block 14 is currently under the control of Chinese-owned Andres Petroleum Company, while Block 16 is under Repsol. FORMA Alerts (Forest Monitoring for Action) are used to determine areas of probable forest damage via remote sensing data and satellite information from sources like Google and NASA. 

FORMA alerts in Yasuni National Park have increased significantly in recent years. The top image shows alerts recorded in January, 2012. The bottom image shows alerts as of July, 2014. Courtesy of Global Forest Watch.

In addition to drilling, other human activities are impacting Yasuni National Park. 

“Deforestation is not only caused by extraction, but also by the outside influence of other industries/actors – including drug trade, illegal animal poaching/sales, illegal logging,” Pamela Martin, a professor at Coastal Carolina University who has conducted research on Ecuadorian forests, told mongabay.com. 

According to Martin, illegal loggers are cutting deeper and deeper into Yasuni, and in the process building roads that are allowing people to further encroach into the forest.

“Roads built in the park have increased colonization in those areas,” she said. “One outcome of such roads and the associated deforestation impacts, plus weaponry to hunt, is over-hunting and illegal poaching of animals.” 

Secret oil access road within Yasuní's Block 31
Secret oil access road within Yasuní’s Block 31. Photo by Ivan Kashinsky.

Conservationists have long opposed oil drilling, logging and other clearing activities inside the park because of the threats they pose to its biodiversity. But Martin also said that communities that live in voluntary isolation in the park, such as the Tagaeri and Taromenane, may also be impacted by forest loss as their homes are exposed to the outside world. 

In addition to providing vital habitat, mature tropical rainforest in the park also acts as a climate and water regulator. In addition, as oil is extracted and burned, the greenhouse gas load of the atmosphere will increase, exacerbating global warming. 

“In the long term, activities that promote deforestation, such as extraction, will have to be weighed against the overarching norm of well-being, sumak kawsay, for societies, nature, and the planet,” Martin said. 

Top biodiversity for species groups. Yasuni sits in the small red region, which has peak biodiversity for four groups. Map by Matt Finer, Clinton Jenkins, and Holger Kreft.
Top biodiversity for species groups. Yasuni sits in the small red region, which has peak biodiversity for four groups. Map by Matt Finer, Clinton Jenkins, and Holger Kreft.

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“Sumak kawsay” is an Ecuadorian concept written into the country’s constitution that means to live in harmony with nature. 

In 2005, the environmental ministry of Ecuador ruled that oil drilling in the park would only be allowed if no roads were built. However, in May 2014, a group of scientists argued that Petroamazonas, a huge oil firm in Ecuador, built a road into the park, violating an environmental impact study. 

“[Ecuador’s] Environment Ministry needs to demand from Petroamazonas an explanation of how [and] why they just blatantly violated the terms of the Environmental Impact Study and license,” co-author of the report, Matt Finer with the Amazon Conservation Association, told mongabay.com in an earlier interview. 


August 2011: Spokesperson Yvonne Baki launched a media campaign to revive the Yasuní-ITT Initiative. 

2012: Roads were observed within Block 31, allegedly developed by Petroamazonas. 

January 2013: The Huapamala hydroelectric power plant project was launched. 

February 2013: President Rafael Correa was re-elected for a third term with more than 57 percent of the vote. At this point, Ecuador’s government had raised $330 million towards the Yasuni-ITT Initiative (with $13 million deposited). 

August 2013: Correa ceased the Yasuni-ITT Initiative and began opening up the park to oil extraction. He declared on television that the Initiative would not have been successful, as only a relatively small portion of the needed funds had been raised. “I signed the act for the decease of the trustee found Yasuni-ITT, putting an end to the protectionist Initiative,” he said, defining his decision as “one of the hardest anybody can take.” 

September 2013: The international community sent petitions and letters to the Ecuadorian Ambassadors in many countries to oppose the cancellation of the Yasuni-ITT Initiative. 

June 2014: Approval to drill was granted by the Ecuadorian government after an attempt by activists to trigger a national referendum on the issue was thrown out by Ecuador’s National Electoral Council. Large-scale drilling is scheduled to begin in 2016. 

July 2014: According to the Guardian, documents surfaced revealing Ecuador’s government was moving to install a power plant to exploit Yasuni’s oil fields while it was purportedly pursuing the Yasuni-ITT Initiative. 


  • Finer, M., et.al. (2009). “Ecuador’s Yasuní Biosphere Reserve: a brief modern history and conservation challenges.” Environmental Research Letters 4. IOP Publishing
  • Bass, Margot, et.al. (2010). “Global Conservation Significance of Ecuador’s Yasuní National Park.” PLOS One. Chicago
  • Finer, M., Pappalardo, S. E., Ferrarese, F., & De Marchi, M. (2014). High Resolution Satellite Imagery Reveals Petroamazonas Violated Environmental Impact Study by Building Road into Yasuní National Park. Chicago

Read more at http://news.mongabay.com/2014/0729-gfrn-panela-yasuni-forma.html#M4PJM9UJZODMHPv0.99

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